
Hackerguardian PCI Scan Control Center

If you’re in the business of e-commerce, you know how important it is to make sure your business meets Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. The Hackerguardian PCI Scan Control Center gives you a number of tools you can use to help ensure your website is compliant.

What it does

The Hackerguardian PCI Scan Control Center will perform scheduled scans and generate ‘Ready-to-submit’ PCI Compliance reports you can send to your merchant bank to prove compliance. You’ll also receive detailed reports that identify security holes exposed by HackerGuardian’s 30,000+ tests with actionable fix recommendations already included.

The control center also includes a PCI ‘self-assessment’ questionnaire available via online wizard to help you self-assess your vulnerability.

You have two different options to decide from with the Hackerguardian PCI Scan Control Center: Standard and Enterprise. Let’s take a look at those two different options, how you sign up for the Hackerguardian PCI Scan Control Center, then go over how you log into the Hackerproof dashboard.
